I am basing this review solely on the dealings that I had with the manager and staff of this restaurant.
I called a couple of weeks in advance and set up a television shoot here. The person I spoke with on the phone said he was the manager and was more than happy to accommodate our request.
A couple of days before the shoot I called to confirm and everything was still a go. It was a little annoying calling into the restaurant (everyone seemed so flustered and I ended up waiting on hold for quite awhile until they got me in touch again with the same man I had previously spoken with), however since everything was going to work out at the logistics end of our shoot, I didn't mind spending so much time setting this all up.
The day of the shoot, literally 5 minutes before we were all getting into the crew vehicle to head over to the restaurant, I called to let them know we were on our way. I asked to speak with the man I had been corresponding with for the past two weeks and was VERY rudely told on the phone that he was NOT the manager. I assured the person that I was speaking to that he had told me he was and the actual manager continued to ream me out on the phone. I asked him how I was supposed to know that someone who claimed to be the manager of the restaurant was not in fact the manager, but the actual manager continued to tear a strip off of me and told me that he refused to let our crew come and shoot at their restaurant.
Um... EXCUSE ME?!?!?!? Two weeks notice and 2 confirmation calls and 5 minutes before we're scheduled to arrive you're going to pull the rug out from underneath me? REALLY?!?!?!?
Well yes. Thank god a neighbouring restaurant agreed to have us last minute.
As for Le Saint Tropez - they are going down in my VERY bad books for eternity. The fake manager, the actual manager, and all the other poser managers can take a stick and SHOVE. IT.