I'm upset with so much about this location during my morning Saturday visit. If it weren't for my grandkids I would never return .
- staff performed with lack of direction
- short on staff
- slow service
- order line and wait line overflowed
into the children play room area
- all napkin holders were empty
- staff mopped around customers feet
while they were eating
Restroom was not inviting:
- main restroom was okay
- children's play area restroom - did not
have any toilet tissue and it was
never replenished after I reported it
3 times to several staff members in
a (2hrs) timeline
- the trash container was a mini waste
basket over flowing with tissue and
used diapers (mind you it's a baby
change area too)
Jungle gym:
- it needs a sign with height and age.
Why? It's for toddlers (I thought). There
we're kids taller than 5' running over
the small children causing concern
There needs to be adjustments made immediately with no questions asked