What a joke, and the joke is on paying concert goers!
Ridiculous layout (long/rectangular), cut in half by people trying to reach washrooms or the patio right in the middle of it. Impossible to see the stage, understaffed side bar and smoke packed patio bar.
Do not waste your time! Refuse to see concerts there, because really you aren't seeing anything right? You're just paying to stand in a crowd with no ability to see anything or spend 1/2 your time trying to obtain a drink which you're probably going to end up wearing or spilling on someone else with the crush of people.
Someone mentioned they had a great sound system? Who the f*#k cares???? So does my Jeep, next time you want to hear good music on a good system, call me and we'll sit in the Jeep. You can pay me $50 and I'll put a beer in a plastic cup and push you around some. I'll occasionally let you see a corner of a video screen so you can say you saw the band. I'll even come to your place, saving you the cab fare.
This venue should not be in business!!!!