I've been a patient of Dr. Ghaderi for 3 years now at Clinic Medicelle and could not be happier. I truly have never waited in the seating area for more than 5 minutes (so stop crying people in the comments below because it's not true and if you got held up on a particular day, it's certainly not typical).
The staff are courteous, caring and professional. Most importantly Dr. Ghederi is a top notch physician. Don't go in her office thinking she's going to romance you with girl talk and ask you where you got your nails done. She's not that kind of doctor and I'm glad. She's extremely intelligent and has helped me with a myriad of problems from lack of energy, severe sinus infections to depression and anxiety. If you need access to specialized care she'll refer you in a split second. With her help I have taken my health back. I owe it all to Dr. Ghaderi and Clinic Medicelle.