My wife and I consider ourselves aspiring foodies, so its no big surprise that we really like Customshop. I can understand that a bad experience there could really turn you off -- it isn't an inexpensive night out, and I suspect the food they serve could alienate the Groupon crowd that they have cultivated (I count 3 or 4 Groupons in the last year). But we've had nothing but really exceptional meals.
We have alternated cheese/charcuterie and crudo for two the last few times, and enjoy them both. I have succumbed to the pork chop several times because it is awesome, but have also enjoyed their specials.
It would be a five-star restaurant except for the jacked-up wine prices (nearly 200% -- $14 bottle for $39) and the occasional snooty server experience. But neither have distracted us from making this one of our "Top-5 Restaurants in Charlotte." It would be 4.5 stars if such a rating existed.