| - I wanted to give this place a good review, I really wanted to visit this place and I really expected to like it.
Alas, it was not to be. Granted, it is a unique establishment in Toronto, but when you are done with it, you realize that it is mostly just a large empty castle. Most of the space has been cleared off and the inside feels very empty and, honestly, somewhat dilapidated.
One reason my expectations were high is that the price of admission is $18. For that price I have seen (and expected). I enjoyed visiting similar venues in the US and enjoyed the presentation and grounds much more (and for a better price). The parking is $3/h to $9max. The sign reads that staff are not responsible for your car. At that price, again I would expect better.
The redeeming feature of this place is the audio tour - TAKE IT. Otherwise you may find yourself bored stiff. Also the video (on the small TV screen) is quite informative. It is pretty interesting to know the history behind one of the most influential people in Toronto of the time.
There is a long tunnel (800ft) that is underground and it leads to the (emty) car garage and the (empty) stables. Heading into it, I had high hopes and expectations that by the time I got out on the other side, there would be something worth seeing. Long story short, when I was going back through the tunnel, I was giggling like an idiot when seeing people walking in the direction I was coming from. I simply did not have the courage to say "just go back, its not worth it" =)
There is a coupon here though I only remembered about it once I got back, so I cannot say whether it is still valid or not.
You can see how I like to provide useful tidbits, so here is another one. When you walk up the tower, there is quite a lot of graffiti left in high places on the walls. They all seem to use the same black marker or whiteout pen. I assume it is hidden somewhere either in the tower or on the way up. So if you are one of those people who likes others to wonder how it is they wrote their name on the wall 3m up from the floor, I recommend you grab a marker or whiteout pen and a portable step ladder.
That last one is a joke of course. I do not see why the $18 dollar admission cannot go towards cleaning that off. Of course there are heritage issues at stake (we remember you Kolyan, 1990!)