The legend lives on from the Cuyahoga on down
Of the big lake they called Ooey Gooey
The lake it is said, is full of sheephead
When the Lenten season turns gloomy
With a load of hushpuppies, 2 planks of fake cod
The Edmund Fitzgerald on WNCX radio
The fries were stale and thoroughly chewed
And doused in tartar sauce mayo
The shrimps were the pride of the pot smoking side
Packaged in some factory in China
As the cole slaw goes, more creamy than most
And the batter was very well seasoned
On the way to the mall or Lakeland College halls
Or going to a show down in Cleveland
After your order the ship's bell rang
Greasy satisfaction you're feeling
The free pirate hat protected my hair
As the waves broke over the seagull chatter
we all passed gas at Euclid Beach park
I craved some more of that batter