| - While I can't yet consider Calgary a top tier food town (though it's definitely been making serious improvements in recent years), it definitely has its pleasant surprises. One of which has been legit Korean fried chicken, originally by way of Olive Chicken, then also Yum Yum Chicken.
Not all cities are blessed with good "KFC", for example it still hasn't really caught on in a big way in Vancouver (there are a couple places, but they're not spectacular...the one downtown Zabu is terribly overpriced to boot), and my current home of Portland, Oregon has yet to be truly impacted by the incredible phenomenon that is Korean fried chicken. In the US, LA and NYC are probably most well known for being meccas to find good KFC.
Back to Calgary: enter Ogam Chicken & Korean restaurant, a new hole-in-the-wall joint near Chinook Centre that serves up some mighty fine Korean fried chicken. Best of all, instead of a fast food atmosphere like Olive or Yum Yum, Ogam is closer to an izakaya, a little trendy but still very casual, and it's a great place to hang out.
To me, it was very close to recreating the atmosphere from an awesome KFC experience I had in NYC at Mad for Chicken (sorry BonChon - I think you've become a victim of your own success and your glory days are behind you. Still lots of tourists will flock your way though). At Ogam, you can also order alcoholic drinks (yay soju!) with your chicken - an awesome match made in heaven, and a combination you won't find at the other Calgary KFC joints. Now you're also telling me I can also have solid Korean BBQ including pork belly, bulgogi and kalbi beef short ribs alongside awesome Korean fried chicken?! ! Get the f@#* outta here!!
Anyway, on my first trip I was only able to have myself a 10 piece order of the seasoned chicken wings, and they were pretty epic. Exceptionally well-executed, the wings were juicy, crispy and the the flavors were as good (though not necessarily identical to) as top KFC eats I've had at the other Calgary places and also in NYC. I would love to try the soy garlic larger chicken pieces, as well as some of the BBQ dishes on my next visit, hopefully with some good friends. I did see some of these dishes being served to other tables, and they looked very enticing, and my fellow patrons really seemed to be enjoying their food and the overall experience. The service is fast and efficient, but still very friendly.
While I can't crown a king for the best Korean fried chicken in Calgary, I have to say that Ogam is definitely a very strong contender. Add on the fact that it's a great place to hang out, have a drink to complement your eats, and also get Korean BBQ, this is definitely going to be a new favorite place of mine going forward. If you're still reading this, dammit what are you waiting for? Get in the car and go there now!