Lost my business... Manager in the back had too much unwarranted advice and comments about my health, ankles medicine. I'm angry with myself for entertaining the conversation that long. She asked me what I ate for lunch (I was shopping for supplements and protein shakes etc) I said I only have 30 minutes for lunch and I came here and didn't eat..she shot back WELL THATS YOUR PROBLEM RIGHT THERE...this lady went on and on about what she thought I should take and swaying me away from what I came in for. She would not shut up...I was overwhelmed, turned and walked out...she raised her voice as I got closer to the door HEY YOU'RE AN ADULT YOU CAN TAKE WHAT YOU WANT...I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!! so much more to the conversation but I'm on my cellphone. And all this coming from a 60 year old woman that bragged about her recent 200 lb weight loss.. Is that why your old ass had to school me from a chair...(she was sitting in what looked like a small office) and didn't have enough customer service skills to get up...plus the salesman was helping me til she chimed in. After putting my frustration about this on FB, I've learned that shaming and bullying seems to be their MO