I love this park. Too bad we met for the first time during my final week living in Phoenix. Otherwise, this park would have become a regular staple in my active life. They even have baseball cages and a skate park! Now, I probably wouldn't have done either of those, for fear of offing myself. But, hey, I love to watch and having both around brings a very cool vibe, you know?
The walking/running sidewalk meanders around nice, calming waters.
There's even some electrical outlets near the picnic/play area. So you can fire up the ol' laptop while you watch the kiddies play and chase each other around. So awesome.
If I ever were to buy a home in the Phoenix area, this is the first place I'd consider - near this park, which is quite big for parks in Phoenix and, as mentioned before, offers an array of very fun things to do. Heck, there's even a path to ride horses on!
Here's info on the skate park: