I was waiting in line to check out today when I was waved over to a register. As I arrived the phone rang. The cashier picked it up and proceeded to talk to the customer on the phone as she rang me through. She went through a checklist of what they had in stock as well as the store location and some parking tips. I waited and waited to pay but she just kept talking to the customer on the phone. If she had bothered to make eye contact with me, show would have seen how unimpressed I was.
Finally my partner grew impatient and pointedly called out "It's on debit." Without breaking the phone conversation, making eye contact or even giving me a total, she punched a few keys and tapped the debit terminal to indicate I should insert my card. I completed the transaction and she handed me the bag. As I was walking away fuming, she finally hung up.
I was there first and should have been served first. I don't know who trained her but where I work you deal with the customers standing in front of you (the ones actually making a purchase) and ask the person on the phone to hold. It was very rude and made me not want to shop there again.
The menswear selection is already less than 1/4 of that store and the sizes on what is there are almost always limited to S, M or XXL. This sort of terrible customer service makes me want to forgo the store altogether.