I was platinum blonde for years and decided my hair had enough of it and decided to begin the process of hair rehabilitation. i had originally completed the colour and cut change at the salon the originally maintained my platinum however after the transformation decided I would give my hair a break from all colour and only trim until the time to colour again was right. Folinos was local. On all my visits which over the course of 10 months was 3, met & continued to see Nadia. She has a friendly and bubbly personality and was always very nice. I know little about hair but I know what I wanted (especially thru my grow out phase) and what suited my style however I was always open to the suggestions of an experienced stylist. With all 3 cuts she gave her advice, I expressed my wants and she always did what she thought was best. With my last 2 cuts I had to go back so she could make adjustments to the cut based on what I originally told her I wanted.
My wedding was less than a week away and I went to see her for a few high or low lights mostly to help cover my greys and also another trim. She convinced me it was a better idea to do an all over colour and that she could almost practically match my natural colour, i reluctantly agreed. The colour was messed up to say the least. After I got upset she told me I was embarrassing myself and her, however if she was getting married in a few days Id like to see her behaviour. Besides she had virgin hair to colour to work with. After 3 hours of salon torment she told me to give it two days and come back if I still wasnt happy, which I wasnt, so I did. When I called to book the colour fix the manager/owner said that she wasted enough time with me which in my opinion she wasted my time. Had she just done what I asked her to do originally the entire situation would not have been.
After a few minutes of arguing with what seemed a very arrogant and non client oriented business owner Nadia picked up and we set a day and time to revisit the colour situation. I was not happy about the entire situation and my experience days before my wedding was very upsetting.
i can say Nadia is a nice person, poor listening skills however nonetheless nice. She is always open to fixing things, but if she listened the fixes would be less. The owner however not so understanding, very obnoxious, rude and has no class what so ever. I would recommend Nadia to cut but I would never get my colour done with her again. I understand that sometimes a service person may feel they did what is right and theyre best however beware that the owner here has no interest in making things right for the customer.