Pretty well organized and tidy, but it's an older store in an older strip mall, so everything just feels a little worn. This JoAnn is also on the small side, and when they are busy it can feel uncomfortably cramped. The biggest issue is if you need fabric cut. May the fiber gods bless you and will that you get out of that line in under 20 minutes.
On our last trip after 10 minutes in line the woman who was cutting our fabric suggested we grab a second bolt. We were over to the rack and back in under a minute, but in our absence two more people stepped up to the counter and she started assisting the first. I get it, there's a line, but since she had us step out to get something I'd think we would be helped upon our return. Nope. We had to wait for not just the person she started working with in our short absence, but both parties to finish before being able to finish our order. Very frustrating and unlike any other service I've encountered.
JoAnn consistently has sales and the largest selection of fabric, so I'm sure we'll be back, but if I had another store to choose from I'd probably go there instead.