| - My husband and I greatly enjoyed Terry Fator during the second season of America's Got Talent. A couple of years ago, my husband got to see his live show when he (my husband, that is) was in Vegas for a corporate event, and he was so blown away that he really wanted me to see it too. No surprise, then, that when we decided to drive down to Scottsdale, AZ, for baseball spring training (go Giants!), we figured we'd go via Vegas and take in the show!
I have to tell you up front that it's really worth booking your seats on-line, and getting the best seats you can. We ended up sitting front-and-center in the orchestra...close enough that we could actually see the very minute movements of this amazing ventriloquist's throat. Here's a nice thing to say about the theater, by the way: Normally the orchestra seats are accessed via an escalator, but I have balance issues that make escalators difficult for me. When I explained that to the person taking the tickets, she immediately (and cheerfully!) changed tacks and walked us personally to our seats in a way that avoided the escalator (and took the time to show us how we could get out the same way).
The show was just amazing! Mr. Fator is not only a wonderful ventriloquist, comedian, and impressionist, he's an incredible singer in his own right. His original compositions ("Horses in Heaven" and "Heroes") added a truly touching element to the show. Funny, impressive, and touching...that pretty much sums the show up! Mr. Fator is a real entertainer in the best, old fashioned way, and 90 minutes spent in his world is 90 minutes very well-spent indeed!