| - Where to begin really? You're greeted by a scowling hostess when you come in and treated as if you're the last person she wanted to see that day. You're then shown to your seat, a sunbleached plastic booth with a stained table.
After some room temperature water, if you're lucky, someone might come and take your order. No mention of specials, no recommendations, just a notepad and monosyllabic responses.
It's at this point that you look around and think that this place really reminds you of modern day Greece. A lot of unhappy people skulking around like they've lost everything.
Your food comes. Surely, you think, there must be some redeeming factor to this place; there must be some reason it's still open. Obviously the food must be the saving grace.
You are given a dried out, and well over seasoned piece of lamb, drowning in tzatziki, and sparingly garnished with a few shreds of lettuce. Roll all that up in some undercooked dough, and there's your recipe for disappointment.
Let them know it's not very good, I dare you.
Then you get to meet Mr. Jimmy.
A thoroughly unpleasant man who accuses you of not knowing what you're talking about when it comes to his cuisine and you're definitely in the wrong because 'everyone' LOVES this particular dish.
You are offered a substitution for an equally disappointing alternate. A hamburger! Because at this point, Mr. Jimmy has lost all respect for you as a paying customer.
At this point, your server has fully abandoned you, likely at the request of Mr. Jimmy, as you can hear him in the kitchen or in his office speaking in a different language to his staff.
Your check comes with BOTH items listed. The burger and the lamb horror show.
Again, nobody will come to verify everything is in order. Nobody will come to even take your money. You have to physically chase down your server to dispute the bill, at which point you are re-introduced to, guess who?
Mr. Jimmy begrudgingly takes the item you did not eat off the bill, all the while acting like you are stealing money directly from his pocket. After you have paid (debit is down, surprise) you are then allowed to leave, and not a moment too soon.
Avoid avoid avoid this place like the plague.