What is it with Vegas suites not having locks on the bathroom doors?
That is honestly the only real complaint I have.
Otherwise, what a great hotel! One of the love and hate things about this place was the way to get to our suite. I think there were about 4 or 5 different ways and x amount of elevators so it was easy to get lost. I had to remember landmarks on where to turn in the halls just to make it back up to my room from the entrance. Pretty fun when you are mildly intoxicated.
The room was lovely. Though, i thought the design was odd. Instead of having the beds at the far end of the room, the living room was? I felt like that didn't make any sense to because you would have to walk pass people sleeping to go sit. Maybe I think it should be the living area first then the beds? Just an idea.
Oh yeah, a gang of shops and food areas all in the same building.