Think of a scene from a 70's porno and that's what think of when I went to this place. Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of fun. This was our first time to a place like this. It is BYOB, which was cool. You walk in and drop off your bottles with the bartender. He tags with your name. She was very cool as well. We went on a Saturday night. We got there around 9pm. It was dead quiet, "awkward". The dj started playing around 10pm but puts old slow song, boring. Around 11pm, they switched to club music and that's when the party started. By 11 the crowd got younger and more fun. We were dancing, drinking, and watching the shows around us. After a while, people were just doing what they wanted to do... Again, it ain't no upscale club or anything like that but a lot of fun and as many said "charming". I would definitely go back when we hit Vegas.