Auto repair places used to be like a visit to the dentist. Painful! You go in with one issue and they tell you that you've got about $2K more in issues that need "immediate attention!"
I read some good reviews about Vegas Auto Care after doing a google search. The review that stood out was from a lady who said she had never felt more comfortable at an auto repair place. That sold me to give VAC a shot.
After my own experience I can't agree more! I went in with what I thought was a starter or alternator problem as I had only had my battery for a year and it was one from autozone with a 3-year warranty. After John ran some tests he came to me and said it was only a bad battery. I totally convinced myself that it was something else so a shady mechanic could have played off that and told me yes it was the starter or alternator. Not here!
John showed me the batteries he had in stock and I told him mine was still under warranty so I could get it replaced for free. I paid for the diagnostic and he let me drive away.
Amazed?! I was too. Now prepare to have your mind blown!
As I'm at autozone the kid helping me change my battery touches the negative connector to the positive terminal (or the opposite). It shorts the fuse on the connector and my car won't do anything. Totally dead! I call John and he sends a tow truck down.
Once back at VAC he tells me it's the fuse and he'll need to order a part. It's the close of business on Friday so my car would be stuck there all weekend. I work on weekends at a nightclub so this totally doesn't work for me.
What does John do? He rigs my battery to bypass the dead fuse so my car will start so I can get around. He tells me to come back on Monday to get it fixed for real. He only charges me for the tow and I'm on my way. Seriously! What mechanic would ever do that?!
When I return on Monday he says the part is ready for pick-up at a nearby Nissan dealership. I pick up the part and the guy at Nissan doesn't charge me. I get back and tell John he didn't charge me even though I tried to pay for it. John seemed a little peeved but at the Nissan dealership, not me. After he repairs my car I try and reimburse him for the part. He just smiles and hands me a stack of his business cards and tells me "No charge. Spread the word."
Mind blowing!!!
So Yelpers, if you ever have a car problem do yourself a favor and go see John and his crew at Vegas Auto Care! ESPECIALLY if you're like me and were always afraid of getting shafted by a shady mechanic.