The fact that I have never written a Yelp review before, regardless of how awful the experience was, and now I am writing the my first one, tells you about how disappointed I am with this branch. Some workers seem to have a little trouble with understanding the concept of customer service. Although it is at a college setting and can be a little more "relaxed" than if it were off-campus, it is expected that the employees still treat their customers with respect whether they are a student, a staff member, or whatever the case may be. I barely know these baristas and they play around and joke with me like they have known me for years, which to some extent I tolerate but it can sometimes be very frustrating and plain disrespectful. Instead of saying that they have the right to refuse service when clearly they had initiated the altercation, they might want to try apologizing. People with common sense know better not to mess with someone who is hungry, to which I did give a warning.