It's a rare to go to a traditional style steak house and have the older men as hosts and young women as the servers. I was excited to see a seasoned man greet us and was hoping that would be a good sign for great service to come. I would feel the same if I saw an older woman btw. Instead we had a young woman who giggled out the specials, slacked on drink delivery and simple clearing of dishes. It may seem like I'm nitpicking but when you are spending 32 - 50 bucks on your entrees alone, I expect concise service. Also the large tray service is just stupid for a two top in a small dining room with a support beam positioned in the middle of the small dining room. It seems a bit pretentious and unnecessarily forcing the servers to work harder than necessary. I could go on and on, basically they need a new trainer or training system.
I enjoyed my crab bisque. The oysters Rockefeller were a sure sign that we are in WI. Way overdressed with way too much cheese which led to never tasting the oyster. (If there was Pernod, we didn't taste it). The wedge was perfect. My spinach salad was disappointing, I expected the warm bacon vinaigrette to actually have bacon in it, or a nice chunk or two on the salad itself. My crab legs were perfect and delicious. My twice baked potato was quadruple baked at least, aka: dead. My dates cowboy was under cooked but the flavor was great.
I expected more from The Wonder Bar considering the rich history of the place, and also considering the prices. I may go again but perhaps sit in the bar and split things with a friend.