Every time I step into this bookstore, I feel like I'm about to meet the love of my life in some adorable, slightly embarrassing encounter that will make for a wonderful story at the wedding. And that's because this gem is something straight out of a cheeky NYC romantic comedy. I love it.
I love that there are chimes on the door.
I love that a handful of the dudes who work here are super cute.
I love the clicking sound my boots make on the golden hardwood floor.
I love the rollie ladder that I have ACTUALLY seen the salespeople use.
I love that most of the books are front facing. In fact, I adore this.
I love the cozy sitting area by the fireplace and the fact that I have sat for over an hour and never once been made to feel as if I'm loitering and should hit the road.
I love that you can tell the owner or manager puts a lot of thought into his stock and tries to keep high quality, culturally relevant books on the shelf.
I don't love the fact that there isn't much of a selection of not-so culturally relevant books, and that I'd feel a bit dorky asking about one.
Come here.
But especially come her for: Art books, architecture books, lifestyle books (gardening, cooking, wining), and kitschy humour books.