These are a couple of food trucks right outside the music museum (Not calling it rock and roll hall of fame as it's not, in my opinion ) the food is pretty ok, the price is of a gourmet restaurant, I felt that the price is completely unescessary for you getting street food and using packet condiment and setting ur napkins and paper plates below ur soda can... so ur stuff won't fly!
I had the chicken sandwis h and it was pretty good, you definetly can't go wrong with a brioche bun you know.
My husband had their burger and he likes it as well.
Again definetly nothing special to pay 10 dollars for a burger WITHOUT fries in the middle of the street. Definetly this should be ur last choice IF there is nothing else u can find to eat.
Btw they also have food inside the museum so try that first, literally try ANYWHERE ELSE before.
Again not cause if the food or quality.... The food is pretty ok, but their prices are very UNREASONABLE for what they offer.