Worst experience. Don't even think about getting your loan with maximum title loans. I went to location in northern and 27th ave in Phoenix, the lady works at this location was very disrespectful and rude to customer so I left that location. I went to location in Scottsdale the ladies in Scottsdale location were very professional and respectful. The loan was too long and had me to MVD to put lien on my car they interest rates are so high, so I did everything they said and I got my loan. The main issue I had was the payment I called to make the payment 2 days before the due they told me they charge me $170 more I have to wait for the due date. I waited to due date I called they said they don't take payment through the phone and they don't accept cash I went to the office to pay off my loan they were don't accept visa cards for pay off you need to get cashiers check or deposit money to our account. I spent 4 hours to make the payment go through. Very disappointed I will never ever use them again.