This place is a classic model for a "Greazy Spoon Diner" Place has been redone since a fire in late 90's. Always a place to eat after a night boozing it up. Hamburgers are like White Castle but better, Home Fries are really Hash Browns, if you're on a diet FORGET IT. Lots of grease all around.
There is an Annex area that sits people like a restaurant. I still go to the original area that has a dozen or so bar stools and a jukebox.
Hinkle Factoids: Cook was shot by a stray bullet once. One night I was eating and 3 guys came in & beat up a loser for pulling a knife on them...guy grabbed knife and loser threw his shoe @ em. Police came in and dispensed some Hinkle Justice...guy looked stupid w/one shoe on and one off.
Breakfasts are good as well, lots of I said, really greasy but good. On a Saturday night be ready for the Hanover College kids to come in and have some fun. They'll sit down and vent, bs or talk about any topic you can imagine....I was one of them back in the day....everytime I return to Madison I grab a few Hinkle Burgers...I remember the phrase from my drunken Fraternity days, "Hinkle's....Who's driving???"