Delicious but pricey! You can get a better value by ordering multiple scoops in a single dish. I think a single scoop was $5, so we ordered a 3-scoop dish with pistachio, hazelnut, and chocolate for $9. We added chopped nuts bringing the total to $10 and it was enough to share for 2 people.
It was very, very good and fresh. The combination of flavors was superb. I lived in Italy for several years and probably ate at least one hundred scoops of gelato while there. Gelato Cafe is the closest to authentic gelato I've had in the USA. It's not quite as creamy as the real thing, but comes closer than anyone else in Vegas. Staff was very friendly and welcoming.
The ordering area is a bit confusing and the menu is also confusing. I like gelato with fresh whipped cream, but that would have made the total bill just too expensive. I highly recommend this place and the location is very convenient. I had to knock it down a star because it's too pricey to be anything other than an occasional treat.
FYI, I know I whined a lot about the price, but this place is still more affordable (and tastier!) than gelato stands inside the malls at the Venetian and Caesar's Palace.