Do not take anyone you care about here. My mother in law has been here for a few weeks and she tells me about all the bad experiences she's had thus far:
-not giving her antibiotics medicine on scheduled time.
-nurses not checking on her for two to three days.
-nurses not taking her to therapy at daily scheduled times.
-nurses talking bad about her and other patients in hallways.
She has missed a few days of her meds and therapies because the nurses don't check on her. She rang the emergency button for a nurse from the front desk to come help her and they didn't come until 22 minutes later. They just ignored the beeping noise alerting them someone needed help.
I thought maybe she was exaggerating at first but me n my family came to see her and when we went to the nurse's desk to find what room she was in, there was a hispanic female just staring at us. She finally asked us what we needed after making a mean face and rolling her eyes. She actually sat there and made us watch her put her hair in a bun until she helped us.
The place looks nice outside. Inside it is much bigger than it actually looks. Besides having many bad employees the place has some good potential. I think the people running this place need to elevate their standards for hiring employees because they are not very attentive to their patients. My mother in law will be leaving this place very soon and we are all definitely happy. Do not let your loved ones stay here. We only let my mother in law stay here because we didn't know until she only had a few days left.