AVOID AT ALL COSTS! This place is so crooked and nothing but liars. I know it's in their job description to lie, but this is just insane.
August 2, 2017-I go in to check out a Nissan Pathfinder. Everything looks great it runs great. Cool. Put an offer in. They ask how much would I like to down. I said $500. They said great we can "work with you" on that. Punching numbers in yada yada yada. And they come back with "can you actually put $1500 down?" I was skeptical but did like the vehicle. I said sure I guess I can do that, if it means I'll get the truck. They run some more numbers, credit check, whatever. They come back with a "can you actually put $2350 down?" I said no I can not do that. But they said they wanted to "work" with me so they said I can pay that $2350 within 45 days all while I get to keep the car. Cool. So that's settle. Got insurance. Drove home.
Flash forward to a couple weeks later:
August 31st-they say "can you bring the car in we just need to take a couple photos." Thinking nothing of it, head over there and they say "finance fell through we're actually gonna be keeping the car." I was like okay? So do I get my down payment back since finance fell through? They said "no because you lied on your credit application." WHAT?!?! I've never heard such thing. I spoke to Lulu on numerous occasions and her answer is still firm. Absolutely no refunds whatsoever. I wasn't even offered to look at another car or use that down for a cheaper a car or anything. It was straight up you're not getting your money back. I contacted the proper authority in order to attempt to get my money back and they advise that I mediate with the dealership before going through a full fledged civil lawsuit. Tried mediating and the answer on their end was still firm, YOU ARE NOT GETTING YOUR MONEY BACK. So at this point, I have no choice but to go forward with a lawsuit because they don't want to negotiate with me. And they said I was lucky they didn't charge me for putting miles on the car and what not. So. Here we are.
Do not do business with this shady poor excuse of a business. They are crooks. It's sad because it seems everyone that went here are just regular hard working people and this "business" is just burning bridges with the people that are looking for a means of transportation. Sad....