I went to this place because I bought a Groupon for 30 Dysport units (just enough to treat the frown lines between my brows.). I arrived 15 minutes early for my 5:00 appointment. I FINALLY got in for my FIVE MINUTE PROCEDURE at 6:05 - and then waited longer for the doctor to appear - making us late for my husband's physical therapy appointment. The receptionist - after the third time I asked how much longer it would be - finally deigned to tell me "Oh, we're running about 15 minutes behind". Meanwhile 5 people went in ahead of me. After getting into the room, I noticed things looked a just little shabby, and there was an (open!) syringe on the counter. I should have insisted that I be allowed to watch the draw of the product - but, foolish me, I trusted all was as it should be. When the doctor finally appeared she was pleasant enough, though she tried very hard to talk me into an additional Dysport injection in my forehead I declined. Now, 2 days later, I have yet to see ANY results, which leads me to suspect either the Dysport wasn't applied properly or perhaps I didn't get the full dosage. I've used this product several times in the past and usually only require 20 units of Dysport (and about 10 of Botox) to treat those minimal lines. All in all, a frustrating spend of our limited time. I won't return.