I've been to many of Jose Andres' restaurants and while most have been amazing, I've also been let down by a few. For this reason, I wasn't sure what to expect at e. Obviously it's a very different experience than most of his restaurants with only 8 seats and the sheer exclusivity of it adds to the experience itself.
I have to say though that for me, e is the pinnacle of what JA stands for -- AMAZING food, a unique and unfortgettable experience and service bar none.
I'm not going to get into every dish we had as every review above and below me has already done that plus the menu changes constantly so your meal will differ from mine anyways. I will say that every dish that came out was even more amazing than the one you just had and thought couldn't be topped. I can't even pick a 'favorite' as almost all of them were my favorites!
My least favorite (if there was a least!) was actually the salt encrusted roasted foie gras. I've never had foie gras prepared this way and have to admit I definitely prefer it sauteed or pate style. Don't get me wrong it was okay but roasting it seemed to mellow the fg tasted which for this fg-lover is the last thing I ever wanna do. ;-)
The amazing food aside, everything else about e is spectacular. It really is like watching a show unfold in front of you with the Chef preparing almost everything right before your eyes. I also love how the servers and chefs coordinate to serve every diner at the exact same moment. The timing is truly amazing.
If you get the chance to go, most definitely GO - don't even think twice about it! Yes, it's not cheap but it's worth EVERY penny and is a dinner you won't ever forget! :-)