So bummed about writing this review. But I must come out with the truth after 6 months. So I sliced my finger open with my car door by accidently slamming to it with the door lock. The finger was still attached.but looked bad. The emergency room stitched it back up and recommended me to go to a hand surgeon near fort apache. I decided to go to hand center of nevada because of the reviews and location convenience instead the one in Fort apache. Dr. Gluck was my doctor. Before I met him, I met his front staff. A sassy receptionist that always made fun of me for bringing my girlfriend, sister and cousin. To my apointments Calling them my possee. I just tried to ignore it. Then. We meet a guy named Paris. A non emotional individual that only views you in a condescending way as a patient. That the best way to describe him. He shows very little attention or caring for particularly me. I don't know why. You have this negative vibe from him. I tried to ignore many times I meet him. A douche that what he is. Then we meet doctor gluck. Another emotionless non sympathetic doctor that kind of views you as a normal commission patient. This is what I felt from this doctor. I feel like I was treated very poorly. For God's sakes I have double insurance. At least treat me a little better. I feel so angry writing this review six months later. After the first surgery he tells me something thing went wrong. My finger looked like mallet finger. Then after the 2nd surgery he told me he forgot to cut a ligament that provides me the ability to bend my finger. I decided to not get the 3rd surgery because I been out of work for 3 months. I lost my apartment and force to move with my parents. I told this to doctor gluck. He gave me a emotionless apology. Made me even more angry when He decided to pay my x-rays for me. I HAVE DOUBLE INSURANCE. How the fuck does this benefit me. I don't care if you rape my insurance as long as you fix my problem. He offered a 3rd surgery anytime (which i still have to pay ). Did I mention I will be placed a month with out work. This guy thinks I am stupid. So now in 2015 in February. My finger healed up like a mutant. Thanks doctor gluck and your rude staff. This review does not apply for the other main doctor. Only dr. Gluck, paris, and the young fat receptionist.