| - I was relieved, when I found this market closed where I stayed at Las Vegas from SD. I don't have to drive 10 miles away to go to seafood city market to have ready to eat food. Hubby & I, walk in straight to food court and because we got there around 5ish, food are not fresh anymore. So, I decide to have 2 whole smoke pampano fish and my husband have a big belly tuna that was grilled (to go). While the guy was frying the smoke pampano, I decided to put some vinegar and soy sauce in the smallest sauce container. As a Filipino, that we just love SAWSAWAN, I filled 5 containers of each, just remember how much fish we had. So,when the guy told us that the fish is ready, he came to us, and asked what's that, 1st I was not sure what was he was talking about because the way he looks we can't tell. So, I keep asking him what are you talking about and I just realized that me and my husband holding the sauce, so I told him its the sauce. I was humiliated the way he asked us, it feels like we were stealing something. And he told us that they don't give that many sauce. So, I walk away from the sauce stand leaving what we pack and took the food. And the food server lady came out and told him just let them take it, but because of how he treat us, and before my tears drop, I walking to wards the cashier and thinking not to buy the food anymore, but because they cooked it already I just grab it. While I was paying, the guy brought the sauce to the cashier but I told her don't want to take it. After he embarrass us. I will NEVER come back at that place. NEVER. I'll rather drive 10 miles away.