| - I am reviewing the store, not the product here. I adore Apple, I have an: iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro, etc. My old MacBook pro served me well, 6 years of kickass service but it had become so slow and I had about 23 seconds of battery life at a time, not good.
I skipped on down down to the Mac store on Ste Catherine and it was a quiet night there. I had made an appointment at the Genius Bar so that I could get some tips on how to get all of my old files onto the new laptop that I was buying. 1500$ later and 4 different 'genius' sales people later, I had my new laptop purchased and I was heading upstairs to my genius appointment. They told me that they could in fact, not help me and that I would need to purchase the 80$ Mac One-to-One deal if I wanted help (seriously?) I made it clear that all I wanted was for them to transfer my stuff from iPhoto and iTunes from my old Mac to my new Mac because I am a busy lady.
Finally after telling me they would do it but that it would take 3 days, I walked out and said 'screw this' and I figured it out on my own, at home in like 2.5 minutes. Screw you Apple store, you were of zero help. I adore your products, but you should not be walking around calling yourself a 'genius' by any stretch of the imagination you money grabbing punk asses.