My experiences at Hobby Lobby have never been note worthy because their staff isn't very friendly, but today was special. I walked into the store with my 2 year old and was gawked at by what I assume to be the store manager. No greeting whatsoever, just the feeling of being judged and looked at. It kind of irritated me. After I check out, the old man is in the same spot, an empty register going over paper work. After I pay he approaches my cart and crosses his arms in front of him while looking into the cart. As if he was checking my purse I had in there. And then says in a very loud and aggressive tone "THANKS FOR COMING IN TODAY." I just rolled my eyes because I can read his body language and know what he was implying. I get it, I have tattoos and you guys are very Christian. But maybe you should spend more time training your staff at better customer service