I specifically remember the day I walked into this bookstore because it was the day that I overheard from another customer that both Michael Jackson and Farah had both passed away. This store has always beckoned to me, its 1 block from the end of the line terminal and it has a really warmth to it.
When I did go in, the place was a bit of a shambles, I guess the owner had moved from another location and was just getting his feet wet at this one, there were boxes everywhere, but he had managed to organize most of the books in alphabetical order and in categories.
Any book that I mentioned or author, he knew where it was in the store and often came back with a copy. I really love this type of service it gives me confidence in his business and I know I can come back with any queries.
All books were in extremely good condition and were fair in price. I will return again to see if he actually has everything up and running. So I wont judge this book by its inner cover.