I'm a Madison native and have been to Jolly Bob's a few times. It's not a terrible place, but tonight as I was walking in I saw a long dress code. I thought it was a joke at first, because in addition to "no doo-rag", they said that no white shirts were allowed. I thought they couldn't be serious.
That is, until I got turned away at the door. I'm a white guy, but I can recognize that policies like this are clearly racist. They're trying to keep out 'ghetto' guys and have ended up with a laughable dress code. I honestly felt like I was in the '50s and segregation was in full force - it was just a bizarre, sad experience.
Add to this the fact that as I stood there at the door trying to get my sister's attention, I saw a woman in a white shirt and pointed her out to the bouncer. "The code is only for men" he said. O.....K..... that makes a lot of sense.
This is a racist policy that people shouldn't support. I'm definitely not going in there again - no matter what I'm wearing.