| - I had high expectations for Club Cycle as it had flawless reviews. I am from out of town and wanted to get a good workout in for the holidays. The cycling studios I go to are slightly large and cost considerably more, so I was trying not to compare this studio to my home studio. Below are my pros and cons of the studio
The Pros:
The Bikes are newer
The arms portion of the workout was great
The Cons:
Started off bad, The front desk girl-did not say Good Morning, was not inviting, did not show me around (I signed up for First Class, so she should know I'm new), did not show me where the shoes were. The conversation I had with her, "Hi I'm XXXX". Girl, "Bike 11". Me, "Excuse me." Girl, "You are on bike 11."....
The class started 5 mins late. It's only a 50 minute class, so every minute counts.
The issues I had with the teacher: Didn't introduce herself, didn't explain that we are a team and ride to the beat of the music TOGETHER, she didn't explain that we should mirror her, she road on her right foot the entire time (if you are a cycling instructor, you should ride on your left foot because the whole class should be mirroring you-thus the class was riding on their left foot the entire time)-From what I gathered the instructor was a trainer, but had never in her life had any cycling instructor experience or been to any professional cycling studios
We sprinted and road to the beat the entire time. No tap backs, no push ups, no crunches, nothing. Just sprinted and road the bike. It was one of the worst workout classes I have ever taken.
Lastly when I leave my spin studio, there is a sense of accomplishment and positive energy that the teachers and front desk personals exude. This is something that this studio is lacking.
Club Cycle has a following, it was very hard for me to get into this class. They just need to get rid of the instructors and personal that don't have the same message as them.