Funny how a company would brag about weak customer service. I mean it: there is a poster on the wall touting "That's why" and explaining how they keep their prices low by methods like not having much staff, and self assembly and self delivery. Sure, I admit the pricing is quite good for the level of style and creativity involved, but I'm not sure I like the changes.
For example, I picked up a Galant cabinet for my office. Or I tried to. I went to a computer terminal and found what I wanted and wrote down the number. Then I began the search to find out where to get it. I finally captured an elusive staff member who directed me to a counter in the warehouse area. The counter was unstaffed--for a long time--a very long time. Finally, I captured the attention of another staffer who went to get someone to staff the counter. Surprise! It was the individual who directed me to the counter originally! Nice trick. He printed out the order sheet and I paid at the checkout and was directed to the pickup counter.
I waited at the pickup counter. And waited. About 45 minutes later, I had my 3 flat cartons and was on my way out the door. There were few customers at the time to slow me down, so I should have been in and out in under 15 minutes instead of an hour and 15 minutes.
Here is the kicker: I get home and assemble the cabinet (another "why Ikea" reason for lower prices) and discover the camlock hardware they use is not longer metal--now it is plastic! Really? I pulled out the carpenter's glue to ensure it stays together. My glue--not theirs, yielding another saving for them. "That's why"...