My partner and I have talked about doing this for sometime and finally got 'er done. VERY glad we did.
They picked us up from a nearby casino and took us to the range (see also "Discount Firearms & Ammo) where they had a large selection of weapons. We each did the $70 "one and done" deal with an AK-47 and M-4 and added an additional clip each for $15 so it was $85 x 2.
Instructor "Little John" was great. He made us feel welcome and comfortable. Nobody was a gun snob and they didn't mind answering my many questions. Besides the basics of safety and gun operation he covered some of the strategies that are used to improve accuracy.
It was great fun to see what it's like and a bit sobering to think about those who wield these weapons as their tools. Two clips is enough to realize that it would take a LOT of practice to become competent and way more to master.
John was fine letting us take pictures afterwards and video during, even helping get the ridiculous tourist pictures holding the guns.
The driver (also a range instructor) who picked us up and dropped us off was also very polite and knowledgeable which made for fun conversation on the way there and back.
Highly recommend!