| - I would not recommend this school to anyone. The last time I took my exam, the front desk lady scans my exam and says, "not this time", which is very insensitive seeing I have taking this test multiple times and have a lot invested in this. I then begin to tell her that I was told that if you do not pass your school exam a certain amount of times that someone will sit down with us and go over what we are missing and set up a game plan to get me to pass. She then says to me, "if I were to sit down with you and go over everything you missed on this test, I would be here all day. And the only person who can do that is Diana, and she is on vacation and by the time she gets back you will be expired." I was speechless. That is not my problem that there is only one person to tend to all of there students. I was very close to my expiration date, so that day I paid 50 dollars to take the exam again. I then ask her if I can take it as many times this month until I pass. She then tells me no, that I can take it one more time but seeing from my results, I will not pass, and if I take it again, any subject I get a 50 or bellow in I would be REQUIRED to retake the class and pay 25 dollars for each class. Again, asking for more money. She was so rude, and I have never walked out of a place crying because of how awful someone made me feel. You would think they want you to pass and help you pass! I am now attending a different school, and feel completely robbed from this place. $600 down the drain with nothing to show for it.