| - I used to like going to LoLo's however, since they have expanded. And gotten All Big Time. They Service has gone DOWN Hill. The wait time, is horrible.... up to and hour. The chicken, no longer has "ANY" flavor. The Service, just isn't the same. And the Owner, doesn't appear to give a Shit anymore. Hey, We the people used to just Rave about LoLo's. However lately..... going to have to find another place. The Cental Location.... Im DONE with. However, I did go the the new Scottsdale location.. The service was alittle better. However, the Food.... was just BLAND..... Come On.....Get back to, Why your customers, came to you in the first place......The FOOD.... !!! If the food is no longer any good. Why waste my time WAITING.... and WAITING.... and WAITING.... for Cold, Unseasoned, Blah Food? Will not be going back..... Ive downgraded, Lo Lo's from 5 star to One Star, until I see improvement. Will NOT be going back, and have let ALL my people Know as well. We've ALL had the same, experience lately.... ijs......