We just love The Little Gym of Litchfield Park, AZ! We first attended with a complementary class a few months ago, my daughter was barely crawling at that time. Now she is nearly walking! She loves her gym time, it's really the only time she ever breaks free from me and explores. We recently started doing the music classes too. I love the way she is becoming more social with the other kids and instructors. The instructors really care about each child, they take time to learn their names and they briefly socialize with your children throughout the class. We have had a crazy schedule the last few months and they are willing to let us make up the class at a later time, I find this very valuable and just another reason I love this place. We are so excited for 'bring a friend' this upcoming week, so we can share our love and passion with a buddy. I will continue to bring my daughter to The Little Gym of Litchfield Park as long as her age allows (and as long as we never move)!