I have been going to Dental Care West, the west side clinic offered by A.T. Still University since April 2015. They came highly recommended.
I have had my scheduled appointments change 3 times without my approval. I find out about the change when I show up for my originally schedule appointment. This is very bad customer service.
Otherwise, most of the residents are OK dentists. You have to have a new dentist every July, so I am up to my third 'regular" dentist. To get my appointments when I needed them, I changed the resident & dentist. I found out that many of the residents and their coaching dentists don't read the files to know what is going on with my treatment before I come in. This bad practice. I also had a problem when the dentist did work he thought I needed without discussing it with me first but not owning up to it after I got angry. Frustrating.
I have to go back hopefully only 1 more time to fix the problem they created. Problem: I had root canals and crowns done and then they did the implant extraction. During the healing time, my prior crowned teeth shifted resulting in a large gap between my teeth and pain. They do realize that this is a problem they caused and are not charging me but they keep putting off doing the work. So now I'm re-scheduled with a different resident/dentist so I can get my work done.
The support staff that help the dentists are the best. Front office -not so much. It's been a long drawn out process. I just want my teeth fixed. It shouldn't be this difficult.