I gave them a one star because how ridiculously unprofessional they are. Not just me. But another lady wad upset because we both had the same problem about them not having a certain item. The lady who was going to help us went to the back and was talking to the other employees. All we could hear was laughing. She was leaning over talking to one of the guys. She came back. The lady and I asked her if they are making guacamole. She said "oh! I'm so sorry. I forgot." The lady next to me said f* it and walked out. I was furious as well but I was also hungry.
Another time I went there. This older Mexican lady was making my significant other and I our burrito. When we asked her what we want. She would put a very small amount in the burrito. We both looked at each other and asked her to add a little more. Then she rolled her eyes. My significant other and I was shocked. Later that day. We called and complained on how rude and unprofessional she was. There was a second time she did the same thing. We told to but a little more. She would reply: "that is going to be extra". I was livid that she was being that way. Usually when we see her. We usually drive away because we don't want to deal with that bs. Went haven't went back.
Just today, as my significant other and I got off work. We decided hopefully something might change. Maybe they might possibly cleaned up there act. He went inside and place an order for our burrito. He asked for guacamole on the side. They told him that they didn't have any. But they are going to make some right at the moment. He asked how long would it take? They told him 10 minutes. Other 2 people where waiting for the same thing. One of the workers on the line yells that they need guacamole. Him and the other people that were waiting heard laughing and being rude. They were all giving them the stink eye. My significant felt really offended that how sh**ty these people were being. 20 minutes went by and they came out with the guacamole and filled the cup almost full. To top it off, the lady named Brooke was frustrated and was giving him attitude. He came back really pissed off and told me the whole story about his experience. Once again, it was shocking to hear him explain on what just happened.