I used to frequent this place and it definitely got a fresh new look. We sat right away and place was busy. Got prompt service for drinks and they took our order right away. Food was good as we were their for breakfast. We weren't really in a rush but we did have other places to go. Should have listened more when the owner came to pre-apologize for the wait 20 minutes in and then turned to his server to say he was going to church. We still hadn't received our breakfast until after he got back from church. We waited an hour and 40 minutes for omelets and toast. Saw our server once after we ordered.
It was another server who brought our food... Poor thing had to deliver the food and the apologies. Owner came back over and started apologizing as well. Funny thing is we didn't get our toast and an order of forgotten hash browns arrived 15 minutes later when we asked for the check. We didn't mention it because we just wanted to leave.
I get it... You're busy... Light on staff and a small kitchen. Change your process and don't leave your staff to go to church. Give service and not excuses....