So this place really bums me out, when I started going here over a year ago it was a yoga focused place with kind people and a laid back flow. In just over a year it has done a 180. They got rid of their online signup, turned a yoga room into a cycling room, made every class packed to the max, and made everything super corporate. Imagine being sardines in a hot Pilates class, other people's swear and feet hitting you, and all the while trying make more room as late comers enter whenever they want.
I tried to renew my membership over the phone before they raised their prices in January by over $100 a year and no one could help me, then when I went to do it in person they said I would need to pay the new inflated rate because I missed the deadline. So in the end, they lost me as a client. The people running it are way too focused on making it all about the corporate image and have sold out. When I emailed them to ask of someone could help me renew my annual membership, no one ever got back to me. Really sad because I used to love this place but I guess things change. I hesitated about writing this review for a while but now looking back with a clear mind I feel I must warn people. This isn't a place for happy yoga goers, this is like LVAC of hot Pilates.