We woke up yesterday morning and found a flightless pigeon in our backyard. He could only fly 12 inches in the air before falling back down. After Google searching, I found Liberty Wildlife on Yelp. The woman on the phone told me to catch the pigeon and bring it into them in a box. She recommended I sneak up from behind and capture it with a towel. Our pigeon was too smart for that, so after 30 minutes of chasing the pigeon with a towel, I finally caught him in a Banker's box [Helps to use a box with a lid, not just an Amazon box]. I had punched holes in the lid before I caught the bird. I also used packing tape to tape the lid down during our 20 minute drive to Liberty. Liberty Wildlife is in a residential area. They have a small parking lot. When I arrived, there was a volunteer training session going on, so I got to be the demonstration of how to check-in a bird. There is a small, drive-through type window that you can walk up to and deliver the bird. They had me fill in an intake form with my contact info and the location where I found the bird. I'm thankful that there are places like Liberty who will take injured animals.