I think there is an ethics issue with how this office functions, as you will also read on other posts. They advertise a Dentist (Dr. Peyghambarian) on booking sites like ZocDoc who is retired. ZocDoc removed their ability to schedule appointments with him finally after they got several complaints (according to them). They had it on those sites so you could book an appointment with him 7 days a week at any time the office was open. I personally scheduled a cleaning as I had one left for the year. They did everything but clean my teeth (they refused to do so unless I paid for added services), so I ended up leaving the office during their sales pitch. Then they billed my insurance for services I never agreed to, and me for a $75 co-pay. Lastly, I've requested copies of the x-rays they billed me for three times (One by phone, one by email, one by fax), and never received a response. My personal opinion is this is a sales mill, and not an office that revolves around patient care.