| - In February of 2017 I took my 2004 Mazda Miata in for some repairs and the cooling system drained and flushed for routine maintenance. I was not having any issues with the cooling system. I have had the car since April of 2014 and put almost 6000 miles on it so it is not my daily driver.
I picked up the car. The next weekend I noticed coolant had leaked out on the floor of the garage. I filled it up with 50/50 mix of coolant and brought it back in. They told me they found a leak in the radiator and told me they fixed it. I was told there must have been so much corrosion that flushing the system loosened it which must have been plugging the hole so there was no leak until the corrosion was flushed out. I asked about the coolant ratio and they told me aluminum radiators have to have a 70/30 ratio of coolant to water. This is incorrect! Ms. Clark actually later denied that they put 70/30 in after the flush, saying it was 50/50!
The charge was $442.50 on 3/28/2017 which included $190 labor for inspecting the system, finding the leak, taking and putting the radiator back in, road testing and rechecking, $150 for repairing and pressure testing the radiator. I was suspicious so I spoke with 3 mechanics and was told that explanation of corrosion plugging a leak was "very unlikely" and pressure testing incorrectly more likely the cause of the damage. One mechanic too me "They are just covering their ass." I told them this when I went to pick it up but they did not offer any refund.
After getting home I discovered the radiator still was leaking but at a slower rate so I took it back in. Obviously they did not do a good job of testing and checking their work despite putting on the bill "ROAD TESTED AND RECHECKED". They missed the leak after the flushing and again after they repaired the radiator!
I was told the radiator could not be fixed and would have to be replaced. When I picked up the car on April 28, 2017 Ms. Clark told me she "called" the manufacturer and was told the corrosion explanation was the likely reason for the leak and DENIED they pressure tested the radiator during the draining and flushing of the cooling system. She also denied pressure testing the radiator when I picked up the car the second time on 3/28/2017. By the way, the 1st invoice states, and I quote, "Pressure test cooling system." I called two distributors of this radiator, sent an email directly to the manufacturer, all agreeing this explanation was very unlikely. I went back May 2nd with this information and a copy of Koyorad's email to me. She denied she ever "called" the manufacturer. She said that she spoke to the technician who originally did the drain and flushing!
I asked for a refund and was only offered $150! She asked me how much I wanted. I didn't have the invoices with me so I asked her to look them up but she refused and told me to come back in with them.
May 8th, shop called and said all they would be willing to refund is $21.
I also took another car in for minor repair and got the car back in worse condition. They did fix that issue with no charge but I would recommend to them they need to do a better job of checking and rechecking their work since 3 times they missed important issues.