Today I called looking for a pet nutritionist..per their website it says "Your pet's diet is essential to his or her overall health and longevity. At Pet Medical Center of Las Vegas we will provide you with a nutritional plan that is appropriate for your pet's age, weight, lifestyle, and breed. By also looking at your pet's current health condition and past history, we can help you with a plan to keep him or her happy, healthy, and active."
HOWEVER...when I called I was told they will only recommend Commercial Brand foods and do not advise EVER giving your dog human food. Vets are trained to recommend commercial foods, they do NOT offer nutritional canine classes at Vet School. Every honest Vet I have spoken with has admitted this and suggested finding a real canine nutritionist....sure....easier said then found!
Any Vet who will only recommend commercial grade food is not looking out for the interest of your pet (child), only the profit margin on their spreadsheets.