After hearing about Pure Barre for a while and finding a studio that was in the perfect location for me with work and where I live, I decided to give Pure Barre Central a try. My friend and I tried the $25 week unlimited in April of this year and I went as many times as I could fit I to my schedule in that week. I was really nervous to try Pure Barre because I am not athletic, a dancer, very coordinated, and am intimated in gym settings. Our first class, the instructor was super positive about our experience (even though I know we looked ridiculous). My friend wasn't able to continue but I was hooked and continued on my own, which says a lot for me. I cannot say enough about how much I LOVE my Pure Barre experience. Pure Barre is one hour where you can only focus on you and shut out the rest of the world because you have to focus on you and the moves in the class. The instructors and staff are friendly and motivating. There are always little challenges in the studio that are super fun! The instructors and staff really get to know you and know when they can push you a little harder in class and encourage you when they know you need it during a tough move. Recently Pure Barre added an Empower class which adds a cardio component to Pure Barre and it is an amazing compliment to traditional Pure Barre. If you are considering trying Pure Barre, just do's the best investment I have done for me!!!